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IBM 360/370/3090/390 Model Numbers

From Dave Glass (

From a copy of IBM System/370 System Summary: Processors
(GS22-7001-18) (January 1987):

[1]=The "Processor basic machine cycle time" (nanoseconds)
[2]=Storage access width (number of bytes fetched per access)
[3]=Storage cycle time, (nanoseconds)
[4]=Storage Interleaving

     3115-0 3125-0 3135   3135-3 3138   3145   3145-3 3148   3158    3168
     3115-2 3125-2                                           3158-3  3168-3
     ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
[1]  480    480    275-   275-   275-   202.5- 180-   180-   115     80
                   1485   1485   1485   315    270    270

[2]  2      2      2/4    2/4    2/4    8      8      8      16      8
[3]  480    480,   770-   770-   715-   540 rd 405 rd 405 rd 1035 rd 320 A
            320    935 rd 935 rd 880 rd 607.5  540 wr 540 wr 690-
                   935 wr 935 wr 935 wr wr                   920 wr
[4]  -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -       4-way

A=The storage cycle times given for the 3168 do not reflect the time
reductions that result from storage interleaving or, additionally,
for 3168 and 3168-3 tie reductions resulting from the use of the high-speed

     3031  3032  3033  3033  3033  3081  3083  3084  3090
                       MG-N  MG-S
     ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
[1]  115   80    57    57    57    24,   24,   24,   -
                                   24.5, 24.5  24.5
                                   26    26    26
[2]  8     8     8     8     8     8     8     8     -
[3]  345   320   342   342   342   312   312   312   -
[4]  4-way 4-way 4-way 4-way 4-way 2-way 2-way 2-way -

As for the IBM S/360 machines, here's a summary from a table in
appendix D of the book 'Programming the IBM 360' by Clarence B.
Germain (1967):

                                360 MODELS

#    Core Size  25  30  40  50  65  75  85  91-95   44  67  20
B        4K......X...........................................X.
C        8K......X...X.......................................X.
D       16K......X...X...X...................................X.
E       32K......X...X...X...........................X.........
F       64K..........X...X...X.......................X.........
G      128K..............X...X...X...................X.........
H      256K..............X...X...X...X...............X..X......
I      512K..................X...X...X...X..............X......
J     1024K..................X...X...X...X.....X........X......
K     2048K..............................X.....X........X......
L     4096K..............................X.....X...............
2361  1024K..................X...X...X.........................
2361  2048K..................X...X...X.........................
CD      24K....................................................
DE      48K....................................................

Cycle time(uS)  .9  1.5 2.5 2.0 .75 .75 1.04 .75-.125 1.0 .75 3.6
  per _ bytes    2  1   2   4   8   8   16   8        4   8   1

This agrees with the information contained in my copy of 'IBM Field
Engineering Education Student Self-Study Course' SR23-3062-7
(November 1973).

  $Log: model360.htm,v $
  Revision 1.3  2003/01/03 16:27:56  lars
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  Revision 1.2  2001/10/26 13:28:02  lars
  Replaced CMC -> Beagle-Ears

  Revision 1.1  2001/01/04 05:15:13  lars
  Added file of S/360 Models