Adding more: HTML stage II

HTML has other structures apart from paragraphs and section heads. In this part, we're going to look at lists, links and visual effects.


HTML defines three main kinds of list: ordered, discursive.

Ordered Lists

This is an ordered list:

  1. with a list item 1,
  2. an item 2,
  3. an item 3 and so on
The numbering is automatic, so if you delete or insert items, they get renumbered automatically by the client (browser) when the file is next displayed. An ordered list like this is written as:
<li>with an item 1,</li>
<li>an item 2,</li>
<li>an item 3 and so on</li>
Notice that the whole ordered list is enclosed in <ol>...</ol> tags and that each list item within the list goes in <li>...</li> tags. You can have a list within a list, but the numbering/lettering scheme is up to the browser (client): you can't affect how it numbers or letters the items.

Unordered lists

An unordered list has bullets instead of numbers: you can use this for lists where the sequence of items is not important:

(although the end result might be...) In this case, the tags to use to surround the whole list are <ul>...</ul>:
<li>2lb (4 cups) sugar</li>
<li>8oz (8 squares) dark chocolate</li>
<li>1/2pt (8 fl.oz) evaporated milk</li>
<li>2oz (1 stick) butter</li>
but you still use <li>...</li> tags for the list items. This makes it easy to change the kind of list later: just swap <ul>s for <ol>s.

A list can go inside a paragraph, or between paragraphs. In theory you can also have a paragraph inside a list (ie between two list items):

<li>Here's the first item</li>
<p>And a second paragraph belonging to the same item, so there's no
bullet or number on it.</p>
<li>Then comes another item</li>
produces but there is no guarantee that every browser will format this sensibly. In cases where you want extra paragraphs, use discursive lists

Ordered and unordered lists can have an attribute of compact which most browsers interpret as meaning the list items will be short, so the space between items is reduced. Attributes go inside the angle brackets after the tag name: <ul compact> for example, would produce

Discursive lists

Discursive lists are designed to handle cases where each list item needs some paragraphs of explanation. The whole list is surrounded with <dl>...</dl> tags, and each item is given in <dt>...</dt> tags (for discursive topic). Each <dt>...</dt> can then be followed by one or more paragraphs, each surrounded with <dd>...</dd> (discursive discussion) tags, so

Managerial grades
Senior and junior managers are expected to dress in conventional blue suits during office hours, especially while meeting clients.
Any departure from this norm will be taken very seriously.
Salaried staff below managerial level
Employees must dress neatly but need not wear suits. Unusual or extravagant clothing is inappropriate to the position of these employees within the company.
When meeting clients, suits must be worn.
Programmers and HTML hacks
Plebs like these can wear anything they want, your ever-loving and paternalistic company couldn't care less,
In any case, we depend on them so much to keep our systems running that we'll make any exception they insist on.
can be obtained with
<dt>Managerial grades</dt>
<dd>Senior and junior managers are expected to dress in
conventional blue suits during office hours, especially
while meeting clients.</dd>
<dd>Any departure from this norm will be taken very
<dt>Salaried staff below managerial level</dt>
<dd>Employees must dress neatly but need not wear suits.
Unusual or extravagant clothing is inappropriate to the
position of these employees within the company.</dd>
<dd>When meeting clients, suits <em>must</em> be worn.</dd>
<dt>Programmers and HTML hacks</dt>
<dd>Plebs like these can wear anything they want, your
ever-loving and paternalistic company couldn't care less,</dd>
<dd>In any case, we depend on them so much to keep our systems
running that we'll make any exception they insist on.</dd>

The original HTML also defined <menu>...</menu> and <dir>...</dir> lists, but these will be dropped in the frozen version as they have the same effect as <ul>. They may be resurrected in HTML+ with slightly different interpretations.


Links are the slick bit about W3's hypertext. Click on a highlighted word or phrase and it retrieves a file related to the word or phrase. as the author have to give it the right information about what file to retrieve, but it can be almost anything which is available from almost any server on the Internet. Not just another W3 hypertext file, but information available through Gopher, WAIS, Usenet news, anonymous ftp, telnet, finger and other more specific services.

The hypertext link tag is called anchor (abbreviated to <a...>) because it can act both as a jumping-off point and as a target or another link to aim at. The file or service specification you give in quotes is called the Universal Resource Locator or URL for short.

To point at another file

surround the text you want to highlight with the <a href="..."> tag in the following form:

<a href="scheme://host/dir/subdir/filename">text</a>
where the URL in quotes is made up of: for example
<a href="">WorldWideWeb</a>
<a href="gopher://">Gopher</a>
<a href="telnet://">Telnet</a>

There are a few exceptions and additions:

Server scripts are a feature of some HTTP servers, and allow a URL to point at a program to be executed, rather than a file to be retrieved. The script or program must produce only valid HTML output, so that the results it generates can be displayed in the browser screen. Fuller details of server scripts are in the documentation for the relevant servers, eg the NCSA's.

There are some other attributes defined in HTML for the anchor tag which are mostly unused: rel, rev, urn, title, methods.

To use an anchor tag as a destination

Use the form of the tag:

<a name="label"> where label is a name that you make up, which you will use after the # sign in a cross-reference from somewhere else (see last list item in the previous subsection).

You can combine both in the same tag:

<a name="intro" href="">...</a> which makes that text a link to the tag labelled `widgets' in the menu file on and also labels the same text as `intro' if you want to refer to it from elsewhere.

Visual effects

We've seen a lot of stuff about structure: here's how to add changes to visual appearance like different type styles. Bear in mind that these may only be obvious if you have a graphical client (browser) like Mosaic, Cello or Emacs which can use different type styles. Plain-terminals cannot, so browsers like Lynx and WWW simulate the changes by using underscores or asterisks around the text.


There are two main kinds of emphasis:

Exactly how the emphases are displayed is a function of the browser program. It may be italics and bold, or it may be colours or a different typeface: what's important is the degree of emphasis. If you absolutely positively have to get italics or bold, you can use <i>...</i> to get italics and <b>...</b> to get bold.

Fixed-width type

There are several ways of showing fixed-width (typewriter) type, useful if your files refer to computer documentation, or if you need aligned columns (the original HTML has no specification for tables: HTML+ may introduce this). Don't forget that users on plain terminals only get typewriter-style letters anyway, so they won't be able to see any difference.

If none of these suits your purpose, single words and short phrases can use <tt>...</tt> to get teletype letters.

Assorted effects

There are a few new tags, undefined in HTML, which are useful and will likely be included in HTML+. These are empty tags - they don't have matching end-tags:

@ If you find you have to force a line-break at a specific point in your text, there is an undeclared tag <br> to do this.
There was one just after the word `this' just now. It will likely be defined properly in HTML+.

@ You can get a horizontal rule

across the screen by using <hr>

@ A non-breaking space is useful to prevent a browser making a linebreak at a particular point: insert<nbsp>between two words, leaving no other space.

The original HTML also defines the following four tags:

Not all of these necessarily cause a visual change in all browsers: some are for identifying important elements in your text which you might need to find or refer to in other ways.

And now . . .

By now you should be able to enhance your simple document with lists, links and changes in appearance. In the next part we'll look at the remaining features of HTML like block text, some things not yet implemented like mathematics and tables, and then go on to the inclusion of files and images and a new feature of HTML+, form-filling.