Interesting Links
This is an extract of my bookmark file; ever growing, sometimes tasteless, but
all stuff I have enjoyed for some reason or another.
Here are a few people that have impressed me.
- Don Kimberlin is a veteran telecom
engineer full of great stories about "the way it used to work".
- Russ Nelson owns
Crynwr Software and was one
of the pioneers in the Internet art of making a living from
giving things away.
- Lauren Weinstein is a computer
consultant who specialices in educating the public about the
privacy issues arising from today's unfettered business databases.
He is a frequent guest commentator on NPR news.
His website also has some very interesting audio clips
from the 1960's.
Geoff Goodfellow, Steven Edelman and John Walker - three drop-outs
from Silicon Valley.
Gene Hoffman - Born in Denmark, living in Santa Barbara and travelling
around the world for peace.
- John Levine - Unitarian writer
of computer books (including a not yet published one about
Linkers and Loaders).
Also the sewer commissioner in his village in New York.
William Kennard, Chairman of the FCC - he knows that Fiona Apple
is not a computer.
- David Leppik
- a UU in Minneapolis.
- Les Biffle - runs a network software
company in Arizona.
- Robert Fish
- a philosophical wildlife technician, teaching environmental theology.
Opinions of Others on the Net
- Air Travel
- Auctions
- Books
- Computer Stuff
- The Rocket Car
- the 40-page version of the classic
JATO-assisted blue Impala story.
( Here
is another, slightly less clean copy in case the one above
link should go dead.)
While this is almost certainly a work of fiction, written to
put a different spin on all the details of the well-known story,
it is quite amusing.
- Genesis Stone Works - cool driveways
- Edge of Space Sciences, Inc.
- Geometric Paper Folding: Dr. David Huffman
- Secret Passage
- Famous Fonts {movies}
- WATTCP Information
- Dungeon
- Keith Lynch's timeline of spam related terms and concepts
- The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
- Netcat
- Dan's Web Tips
- I sit in Siberia
- Systems Internals
- How Do I Get that ROM?
- TSIA (Task System and Item Architecture)
- Tommy's pinout collection
- MacWindows
Edgar Dijkstra, index of works
Computer Lessons for Kids, by Tom Koch
- mem's pointers to computer cases
- Anker Berg-Sonne
- The Sorting Algorithm Demo (1.1)
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication
- Goodman's Book Marks: US-Based Long Distance/Local Carriers
Yahoo! Business and Economy: Companies: Computers: Hardware: Peripherals: Modems: Wireless
- The Network Nation Revisited
- Compliance Worldwide - Press Releases
- Welcome to Stuff Software, Inc.
- NPA for Windows
- Caller ID
- PPT Slide
- Data Comm for Business, Inc. T1 T-1
- Fone Finder query form
- TTC Standard Summary
- Web ProForum Tutorials: All Web ProForums
Recommendation Q.724 (1988) - Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 - Telephone user part
- The Vintage Telephone Equipment Museum
- Telecom Tools Online - Powered by Network Analysis Center
- The White Alice Communications System
- A Farmer's Old Telephone Line
- HackCanada Telecom FAQ
- New York Net - Pictures of our POPs
- Committee T1 Technical Reports and Technical Requirements
- Scipio Utah AT&T microwave tower
- Phone Trips
- Outside Plant Magazine
- North American Numbering Plan Forum
- Media Fusion
- DSL - - the place for DSL, ADSL
- E1 Pocket Guide
- Welcome To Brian
- Cap'n Crunch's Home in Cyberspace
- UCC.IE help desk
- My eBay Page for lpoulsen
- Genesis Stone Works - cool driveways
- Edge of Space Sciences, Inc.
- Geometric Paper Folding: Dr. David Huffman
- Secret Passage
- Famous Fonts {movies}
- This is the HOME PAGE of SÁNDOR LÉTA and his FAMILY
- Urban Legends Reference Pages
- Cindy Kandolf's Home Page
- Marijuana and The Drug War
- AMaViS - A Mail Virus Scanner
- NIST Chemistry WebBook
- OsiNon DC Meeting Pictures, January 15th 1999
- The Best Congress Money Can Buy
- PUBLIC ROADS On-Line (Summer 1996) - Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956: Creating the Interstate System
- sci.astro FAQ
- ChipCenter: The Web's First Definitive Electronics Resource
- 98lite for enhancing and embedding Windows9x
Computer History
- Gordon Bell's Home Page
- Carl Friend's Computer Collection
- The Roots of SGML -- A Personal Recollection
- WPS:Dead Media:Working Notes:numerical index
- Knuth: MMIX
- TNO-FEL Museum: Computer history
- Digital Research
- Y10K
- Computer songs and poems: EVER ONWARD, IBM
- Photos of IBM Equipment circa 1968
- Netværksudbygning, 1985-92
- Unisys History Newsletter v1n3
- Doug Jones's CDC 160 index
- Gordon Bell Interview
- The Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC)
- The Spacecraft Onboard Computer Page
- Compspace.html
- 40 Years of Computing at Newcastle - Photographs
Corporate Standover Tactics For Dummies
- Danske support-guldkorn
- Geezer Area
Humor - Clean - Tech Geek - Goldilocks
- CaveBear Site Directory
- Proverbs For Netizens
- Totally Absurd - Neeed A Quick Laugh?
- FCC Releases Study of Internet Backbone Market: Study Concludes that Competitive Internet Backbone Market Should Remain Free of Telecommunications Regulation
- GHTROUT - Gene's Phone Home Page
- Area Codes
- Telecom Information Resources
Effect of Internet Use on the Nation's Telephone Network
Dead Links
- The list of Orange Course sites!
Revision History:
$Log: links.htm,v $
Revision 1.39 2003/06/29 20:09:24 lars
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.38 2001/10/26 13:27:45 lars
Replaced CMC -> Beagle-Ears
Revision 1.37 2001/02/01 05:53:19 lars
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.36 2000/11/07 16:22:15 lars
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.35 2000/09/09 05:50:00 lars
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.34 2000/07/26 10:39:21 lars
Added echelon article to links.htm#foreign
Revision 1.33 2000/07/09 01:01:40 lars
Add link to original JATO Impala story.
Revision 1.32 2000/07/03 16:48:15 lars
Add link to Lauren Weinstein.
Revision 1.31 2000/06/21 03:09:10 lars
Fix typo in link.
Revision 1.30 2000/06/19 19:30:59 lars
Added link to FAS (with satellite photos of nuke plants).
Revision 1.29 2000/05/21 03:48:11 lars
Added Don Kimberlin page.
Revision 1.28 2000/05/17 04:05:19 lars
Added link to Robert Fish.
Revision 1.27 2000/04/17 22:34:25 lars
Added Russ and Geoff.
Revision 1.26 2000/04/17 16:30:46 lars
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.25 2000/04/13 07:12:02 lars
Fix some broken links.
Revision 1.24 2000/02/28 05:43:45 lars
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.23 2000/02/03 17:20:11 lars
Move the "news" page from Santa Barbara folder to top level,
combine it with the pointers on the "links" page and add
KCLU live RealAudio. Replace the "whatsnew" link on the
front page with a link to "news".
Revision 1.22 2000/02/01 23:09:56 lars
Fixed broken links.
Revision 1.21 2000/01/29 21:44:51 lars
Added link to Les Biffle
Revision 1.20 2000/01/27 06:30:37 lars
Miscellaneous updates.
Revision 1.19 2000/01/19 07:46:19 lars
Added Recipes.
Revisions during 1999:
Improved "News" section.
Funny stuff moved.
Add Capitol Steps.
Added links to individual NPR news programs.
Added pointers to area codes, libraries.
Migrated more bookmarks to links in the website.
Moved links from bookmark file to links page adn subject areas.
Added telcomine online newsletter.
Added Fourmilab.
Added Rocket Car story.
Added links.htm page for bookmarks that don't fit elsewhere.