Dorothy Morgan and Deacon Ebenezer Witter Sr


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Show ancestor chart for Deacon Ebenezer Witter Sr

Dorothy Morgan

Born , 28 Feb 1675 ; Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA

Died , 9 Mar 1759 ; Preston, New London, Connecticut, USA

Deacon Ebenezer Witter Sr

Born , 25 Mar 1668 ; Stonington, New London, Connecticut

Christened , 28 May 1668 ; Stonington, New London, Connecticut

Died , 12 Jan1712 ; Connecticut, British Colonial America

Buried , Avery Cemetery, Preston, New London, Connecticut

Cause of Death , 12 Jan 1712 ; Connecticut, British Colonial America

  • Pleuretic fever

Information on this union

Married , 5 May 1693 ; Lisbon, New London, Connecticut

Children from this union

Family tree last modifed on 17 Feb 2023 .

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