Jens Olsen and Birthe Kristine Nielsdatter


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Jens Olsen

Born , Abt 1792

Died , 20 Jan 1843 ; Skee, Haraldsted

Census record Haraldsted (opslag 22)Arbejdsmand , 1834 ; Haraldsted, Ringsted, Sorø, Denmark

Census record Skee, Haraldsted (opslag 29)Husmand og daglejer , 1840 ; Skee, Haraldsted


  • @NI3970@

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Birthe Kristine Nielsdatter

Born , 19 Jun 1796 ; Jystrup, Ringsted, Sorø, Denmark

  • @BI3615@

Died , 20 Jun 1865 ; Haraldsted, Ringsted, Sorø, Denmark

Census record 5 år, deres barn , 1801 ; Sorø, Ringsted, Jystrup, Jydstrup, , 51 Familie, FT-1801


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Family tree last modifed on 17 Feb 2023 .

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