Åge Ingvorsen


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Åge Ingvorsen

(na )

Born , 9 Jan 1900 ; Øster Larsker sogn, Bornholm Østre herred, Bornholms amt

  • @BI4143@

Christened , 25 Mar 1900 ; Østerlars kirke, Øster Larsker sogn, Bornholm Østre herred, Bornholms amt

  • @CI4143@

Died , 11 Dec 1936 ; Åkirkeby sogn, Bornholms Sønder herred, Bornholms amt

  • @DI4143@

Buried , 17 Dec 1936 ; Øster Larsker sogn, Bornholm Øster herred, Bornholms amt

  • @XI4143@

Occupation Gårdejer

Residence , 1911 ; n/a
Østerlarsker, Bornholm, Danmark

Census record , 5 Nov 1925 ; Østerlarsker, Øster, Bornholm, Denmark


Family tree last modifed on 17 Feb 2023 .

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