Friderica Sophie Pedersdatter and Otto Didrich Schnack


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Friderica Sophie Pedersdatter

Born , 1725

Died , 3 Mar 1770 ; Nordrupøster sogn

  • @DI63@

Buried , 1770 ; Nordrupøster Kirkegård

Otto Didrich Schnack

(na )

Born , 1725 ; Gram, , Slesvig

Died , 20 Dec 1781 ; Giesegård, Nordrupøster, Ringsted

  • @DI62@

Buried , 1781 ; Nordrupøster Kirkegård

Occupation Gartner på Giesegård , Giesegaard

Residence , n/a
HVK s. 130: "... Men hvorledes kom denne mands(#fa


  • @NI62@


Information on this union


Children from this union

Family tree last modifed on 17 Feb 2023 .

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