Ane Marie Pedersdatter and Ludvig Ditlev Schnack


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Show ancestor chart for Ludvig Ditlev Schnack

Ane Marie Pedersdatter

Born , 29 Jun 1820 ; Vemmedrup

Died , 19 Oct 1891 ; Aversie

Ludvig Ditlev Schnack

(na )

Born , 1 Feb 1821 ; Gørslev, Bjæverskov, Præstø

Christened , 21 Mar 1821 ; GØRSLEV K.

Died , 1 May 1891 ; Aversie

Occupation gårdmand

Residence , n/a
HVK s. 136: "... Ved giftermålet overtog Ludvig Di

Census record , 18 Feb 1834 ; Gjørslov, Bjeverskov, Præstøe, Denmark

Census record , 1 Feb 1840 ; Denmark


  • @NI885@


Information on this union

Married , 28 Jun 1846

Children from this union

Family tree last modifed on 17 Feb 2023 .

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